IPv6 Certified

IPv6 Certification Badge for vmauery

Some will care and some will not, but I can now boast that I have finished all the IPv6 certification tests at at ipv6.he.net. The last one was a real stinker. A while back, I registered mauery.org because I wanted to tinker with DNS stuff. But it turns out that I registered with a registrar that doesn’t support IPv6 glue records, which were the entirety of the last certification step. I gave up after a while, since I didn’t know what I was doing and didn’t have the time to sit down and figure it out. Recently I got the itch to finish up my certification with he.net. I looked into glue records, which are basically the link that breaks the recursion in DNS. For IPv4, the glue records are apparently pretty easy to come by, but few registrars will do IPv6 glue records yet. Especially few actually have a way to do it without raising a support ticket. I found one that does (gkg.net), moved mauery.org over to them, and got my glue records all up in the TLD’s nameserver. Hooray.

Now, mauery.org is a fully functional IPv4/IPv6 domain. You can access it via IPv4 only, dual stack, or IPv6 only. Too bad it doesn’t really do anything that you could get access to… I don’t run any public webservers in the domain or anything. It is basically my home network. Like I said, I purchased the domain because I wanted to play around with DNS and learn some things. For a long while, I was using mauery.home as my domain. I know, .home is not a real TLD, but I figured that it would make sure that there were no namespace collisions with any legitimate domain names. I have since moved over to the mauery.org domain.

Does my certification make me superior to you? Maybe not. But my domain kicks your domain’s arrobase. And the free t-shirt doesn’t hurt.