A USB CW Keyboard

After getting my amateur radio license without having to pass a CW test, I felt a little bit cheated, so I vowed that I would learn CW and do my best to help keep it alive. After all, that is one of the two things that I remember about ham radio from my childhood (beeping and antennas). In the past year and a half, I am sorry to say that I have not yet mastered CW. But I have learned a lot about learning CW. 🙂 Baby steps, right?

Because one reason I decided to get into amateur radio was to give myself an outlet for my tinkering needs, I felt it was only fair that I should devote some of this tinker time to learning CW. How do you do that? By making a touch-sensitive paddle with an iambic keyer. This is what I set out to do about six months ago and am proud to say that I have a working finished product to share today. Much of my inspiration was from the fine folks at CW Touch Keyer. Their products were very alluring and I almost bought one of them instead of building it myself, but they didn’t meet all my requirements. (Their Master Keyer was not available yet, which I think does meet all my requirements except the actual paddle part, which you must supply yourself.)

My design goals:

  • Touch sensitive paddles
  • Act as an USB HID keyboard
  • Small
  • Variable, persistent settings
    • WPM 5-100
    • Variable sidetone frequency 100-1000 Hz
    • Various keyer modes (iambic a/b, ultimatic, bug, etc.)
    • Memories (with auto repeat)

I am happy to report that I have met these goals and more with the N7OH CW-KBD. For the low, low price of $150 you can buy the parts to build your own. I think if I had plans to make this a commercial venture, I would have to cut down on my costs. First to go would likely be the Teensy because if I swapped that out for a Microchip PIC, I could also get rid of the two capacitive touch sensors. Putting that all on a single chip with a small single board, I could certainly reduce the price some. But that is a story for another day.

I started acquiring parts for the keyboard back in the April/May time frame. I started with the basics: I needed the Teensy so I could start tinkering and get back into the AVR embedded programming mode; I needed the capacitive touch sensors so I could get a board designed and start working with them (they only came in tiny surface mount packages so I had to create a breakout board for them); I also ordered some of the other stuff I would eventually need to save on shipping later. Then I excitedly jumped into Eagle and created my breakout board. I actually created a couple of designs. Since ordering with BatchPCB has a base cost plus a per-square-inch cost, I decided that ordering a couple of different designs would not be an issue. And it turns out they sent my twice as many as I ordered (probably because the designs were so small and they had extra room that wouldn’t fit anything else.) That was a really fun process though; I have never designed a PCB before.

I don’t know how many hours I spent reading through the 408-page ATMega32U4 manual. I pulled out some old AVR code I had written in college and tried to make it work. I spent about as much time refactoring the old code as I would have spent writing new stuff. Finally I had some basic hardware support for timers, PWMs, and USB (with the help of LUFA.) From there, I moved back to the non-embedded space to try out the main portion of CW encoding and decoding. First I whipped up a program that would write out the proper timing for dits and dahs if given a string of text to type. It didn’t take very long for that, but it was much faster to have printf and instant feedback without reprogramming a device. I ported this code back to the Teensy (with minimal changes, thanks to my portable coding techniques) and was able to get a simple program up and running that would blink “hello world.” at me once a minute. I moved back to userspace and figured out how to use raw events to emulate interrupts and user timers instead of hardware timers. I extended my program to with a state machine that would read in dit and dah paddle presses and encode them into a stream of CW that can be decoded into ASCII and pushed up to the HID layer. My original state machine was too complex and introduced timing errors into the encoding, so I ditched it for this simpler version.

It took me a while to hunt down all the itty-bitty timing issues. Sometimes there were weird little hiccups in the output that I couldn’t explain. I did finally hunt them down and get smooth operation though. Then I went and filled out the big wish list of coding features (memories, keying modes and speeds, etc.) This took some time but was quite fun. I also found and fixed a few more bugs that I uncovered while I was at it. After I had the list all checked off, I still didn’t have the nerve to permanently affix all the parts. Up until now, they were all connected on a solder-less breadboard. I decided to get crazy and reduce the power consumption. It’s not like it was a pig or anything; it was already using a low-power sleep mode and was completely interrupt driven. I knew that I could reduce the 40mA power requirement with a bit of skillful coding. While it did not have any busy loops, there were a lot of wake-ups that were not needed. For example, part of the architecture is a 1ms timer that allows things to run with a 1ms accuracy. But what if nothing needs to run? It would still fire. I managed to have the things that didn’t need to run inform the timer and then have the timer shut down if there were no users. This meant than if the paddles were not pressed, it would go into a deep sleep state (<10mA) and then would wake up as soon as a paddle was pressed.

Finally, I got brave and soldered all my parts together on a prototyping board and put it in a little plastic case. I drilled holes in all the right places to allow for the connectors (power, USB mini-B, key out, paddle out, an LED, a reset button, the speaker, the volume control, and the paddles). I skillfully mounted the two aluminum paddles on a small block of wood and then cut a groove in them to make them have a solid mechanical connection to the box. I am pretty proud of the box. After I had it all assembled, I realized it was too light weight and would move around whenever I touched the paddles. I fixed this by adding some screws to the bottom so I could screw it to a plate of lexan.

The architecture of the project goes something like this:
paddles intput dits and dahs that get synchronized by the timer. Depending on the keying mode, a continuously pressed paddle may or may not continuously send dits or dahs. Also depending on the keying mode, different things may happen if both paddles get pressed at the same time. The input state machine handles all of this, resulting in a queue of dits, dahs and spaces that are ready to be consumed. The output state machine looks at the queue and sends the bits to the output pins (the buzzer and the paddle/keyer pins) as well as trying to decode the stream of dits, dahs and spaces into characters. Every recognized character gets enqueued into the HID queue, which gets sent off to the computer if it is plugged in. In addition to the two paddles, there is also a single button that can enter and exit "Command Mode." Command mode allows the user to change various parameters such as buzzer frequency, keying speed, keyer mode, paddle orientation, etc. All of these settings are saved in EEPROM, so they are persistent across power losses.

Kenwood TH-D72 and Linux

I recently found a buyer for my Icom IC-92AD, which enabled me to buy one of the new Kenwood TH-D72 radios. This is my first GPS-enabled device and a new radio to boot. I am thrilled. I got it in the mail in just enough time to scan through the instruction manual to figure out how to use it for the Monday night Beaverton CERT Net. I got on the air without any problem. The manual is not nearly as nice as the Icom manual was. First of all, they don’t give you the complete manual printed, only a getting started guide. The manual is on a CD in PDF format.

The TH-D72 has a mini-B USB connector and comes with a cable. Curious, I plugged it in to my computer and saw that it loaded the cp210x driver and gave me a /dev/ttyUSB0 device. Hooray!!! It didn’t work. 🙁 It turns out that the Natty kernel I am running has a regression in it (a story for another day). I tried out the Maverick kernel and it works just fine. So running the Maverick kernel, I was able to open up minicom, set the baud rate to 9600, and establish communication with the radio. It is NOT self discoverable. Grrr. I type in something and it gives me back ‘?’. It appears that there are two modes. With the packet12 TNC enabled, it will echo your keystrokes and give you a ‘cmd:’ prompt. If you type something wrong, it will say ‘?EH’. Without the TNC enabled, it does not echo keystrokes and will give you a ‘?’ if it did not understand the command you sent it.

Not seeing an obvious way to figure out the command set, I figured that we should try to reverse engineer it. I installed the MCP-4A program in wine. I tried to run it and it complained that it needed .NET 2.0. I tried installing dotnet20 and found that is not quite enough — it wants dotnet20sp1 or greater. dotnet20sp2 does not install. dotnet30 does not install. When I run MCP-4A with dotnet20, it throws a few errors and does not give me full use of the program (no menubar, for example), but it does run. I was able to use Wireshark to sniff the USB traffic as I performed a read and write. Then I turned to python to whip up something that can do this natively. This is what I have so far:

# coding=utf-8
# ex: set tabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4:
# © Copyright Vernon Mauery, 2010. All Rights Reserved
# This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
# your option) any later version.
# This sofware is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this software. If not, see .

def command(s, command, *args):
cmd = command
if args:
cmd += " " + " ".join(args)
print "PC->D72: %s" % cmd
s.write(cmd + "r")

result = ""
while not result.endswith("r"):
result += s.read(8)

print "D72->PC: %s" % result.strip()

return result.strip()

def l2b(*l):
r = ''
for v in l:
if type(v) is str:
r += v
r += chr(v)
return r

def bin2hex(v):
r = ''
for i in range(len(v)):
r += '%02x '%ord(v[i])
return r

def bin_cmd(s, rlen, *b):
if b is not None:
cmd = l2b(*b)
cmd = ''
print "PC->D72: %s" % cmd
result = bin2hex(s.read(rlen)).strip()
print "D72->PC: %s" % result
return result

def usage(argv):
print "Usage: %s " % argv[0]

if __name__ == "__main__":
import serial
import sys

if len(sys.argv) < 3:

s = serial.Serial(port=sys.argv[1], baudrate=9600, xonxoff=True, timeout=0.25)

#print get_id(s)
#print get_memory(s, int(sys.argv[2]))
print command(s, 'TC 1')
print command(s, 'ID')
print command(s, 'TY')
print command(s, 'FV 0')
print command(s, 'FV 1')
print bin_cmd(s, 4, '0M PROGRAMr')
of = file(sys.argv[2], 'wb')
for i in range(256):
sys.stdout.write('rfetching block %d...' % i)
s.write(l2b(0x52, 0, i, 0, 0))
s.read(5) # command response first
print bin2hex(s.read(5))
print bin2hex(s.read(1))
print bin_cmd(s, 2, 'E')

You run it like this:

$ python thd72.py /dev/ttyUSB0 d72-dump.dat

Unfortunately from what I have seen, two consecutive reads without any changes on the radio seem to have very big differences. It is as though some of the chunks of the file are rotated or shifted by a few bytes (and the shift is not constant throughout). Not seeing an immediate reason for this, I suspect that it is some form of obfuscation. Call me a pessimist.

I will continue to work on this, but I would love to see what others in community are doing as well.


I forgot to mention that the whole point of this exercise was to find a way to work it into CHIRP. I am currently working on a driver for this radio to enable it in CHIRP. And as I was looking over the tmv71 code in CHIRP, I noticed that I should be reading a response to the read block command _before_ I actually read the block data. This seems to help things out a bit (and I modified the above code to match).