The Emperor’s New RF Exposure Calculator

It has been twelve days since I made my RF Exposure Calculator available for all to use. I admit that there were a few bugs in it when I first released it. But nothing that didn’t get fixed within a day or two. You see, it being open source and all, I figured I should release early and release often. So what you see today is about 26 commits newer than the original.

I just can’t believe that it was my own naïveté that expected a warmer reception to the ham world. I mean, there are no other RFE apps that can even come close to how cool mine is. And I am not just saying that to toot my own horn. All the other applications make you type in numbers and information time and time again. For each little change you have to type new stuff in again. And they don’t remember what you typed in yesterday. Come on folks, get on the Web 2.0 bandwagon already (or something buzz-wordy like that). I got some positive feedback, for which I am very thankful. (This mad machine runs on props!) But I also got a bunch of “I don’t get it,” and “Where is the program? – All I see is a tabbed help page!” or “nada”. All I have to say to you folks is RTFM!

The grand old story of The Emperor’s New Clothes comes to mind. I wrote this awesome RF exposure calculator that only works for smart people. So if it doesn’t work for you, well… sorry. Only I am not really that sorry. I mean it would work for you if you could only read. I designed it so it would start with help text showing if there was nothing else to display (thus the tabbed help), which TELLS YOU EXACTLY HOW TO USE IT! GAAAAAHHHHHH!

Okay. That felt good. And really, this post was half therapy for me and half directed right at the anonymous coward who says that “Blogs are the verbal equivalent of vomiting!” with reference to my blog. This barf’s for you.